Client Instructions and Reference Materials
Withholding Feed for Sedation
Pull all feed from your horse ONE HOUR prior to procedures requiring sedation. Studies have investigated risks and benefits of feed withholding for various durations of time and of sedation in horses that have and have not been fasted. To mitigate the risks and enhance the benefits for your horse, we ask that all our patients be held off of feed ONE HOUR prior to sedation for a known procedure. The risks and benefits are different in emergency cases, but we have control regarding pre-planned procedures (such as dental procedures) and are going to use that to your horse’s advantage!
New Patient Information/Coggins Form
Would you like to make your appointment more efficient, allowing for more questions with your veterinarian or allowing you to move onto the next task in your busy day? Click the link below to access and complete the new patient information/Coggins information form to achieve just that!
Proper Fecal Collection Video
Please use this method to collect fecal samples from your horses and drop them off at Kettle Moraine Equine Hospital and Regional Equine Dental Center for evaluation.