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The following is an interview with Jon M. Gieche, D.V.M., FAVD Equine, Diplomate AVDC Equine that provides an overview of equine dentistry.
Vaccination selection is more complicated than most people realize. Here is an interview with Jon M. Gieche, D.V.M., FAVD Equine, Diplomate AVDC Equine to help you understand why.
Here is an example of the steps taken to lay a horse down for a surgical procedure. With advances in technology and surgical approaches, more surgeries can be completed with a horse standing than ever before, but some procedures require our patients to lay down and may or may not require general anesthesia with a ventilator. At Kettle Moraine Equine Hospital and Regional Equine Dental Center, we are equipped with the facilities and expertise to meet your horses’ surgical needs.
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