Are you looking for a veterinarian that is a veteran in camelid care? Look no further. Dr. Jon Gieche has been working with camelids for over 30 years. He enjoys all aspects of camelid medicine, but has a particular interest in camelid dentistry, just as he does with horses.
Wellness and Preventative Care
General Wellness Examination
Fecal Egg per Gram Evaluation
External Parasite Evaluation and Control
Routine Bloodwork
Dental Care
While camelids do not require routine oral adjustments like horses, they may still have dental abnormalities that need attention. Dr. Jon Gieche is prepared to meet all your camelid’s dental needs. The most commonly performed dental procedure on camelids is extraction of a tooth or multiple teeth.
Reproductive Care
Reproductive Ultrasound
Pregnancy Examination
Pregnancy Monitoring
New Cria Exam
Postpartum Exam
Lameness Evaluation and Treatment
Lameness Examination
Local and/or Nerve Blocks
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Evaluation
Chiropractic Adjustment
At Home Recovery/Physical Therapy Recommendation
Mass Removal
Dental/Oral Surgery
Injury Repair
Health Certificates
Health Certificates are usually good for 30 days from examination by the veterinarian.
If you require other veterinary based travel documents, let us know and we will help you meet your requirements.
Our Walker
Dr. Jon Gieche majored in physics before deciding to become a veterinarian. He loves thinking outside the box and developing medical equipment to better match the needs of his patients. In one such case, he constructed a walker for a down llama requiring physical therapy to recover. It worked wonders and our walker is now available for future cases. If your llama or alpaca experiences a limb or neural injury that requires assisted walking, our walker is available for in hospital care and may be leased for use outside of the hospital under certain circumstances. If you are interested in this equipment for one of your llamas or alpacas, call (262)495-2799 for more information.